What's the deal with Peter Falk and the Chinese woman?
I've seen this movie two or three times and still have no idea what's going on in some scenes. When in London, the three old friends, at least two of whom are still married, run around drinking and picking up girls. Peter Falk somehow latches onto a young Chinese woman, who apparently doesn't speak a word of English. For some reason I cannot fathom, he gets mad at her for French kissing him. Then she starts walking away down the street in the rain, and he follows her, trying to get her to come back, while she talks in Chinese without looking at him.
I have no idea what that's about. Why does he pick her up unless he's interested in sex with her, and then get mad that she gives him a passionate kiss?
Also, what is up with that scene of Cassavetes and the blonde English girl? It seems at one moment like he's gone completely nuts and is killing her, then it seems like he was fooling around. At some point, for no apparent reason, she runs away from him down the street. Maybe that was the rain scene instead of the Chinese girl scene; it's been a while since I last saw this. Did she get really scared because he was acting like a homicidal maniac, or was it something else?