Anyone like the Hammer Frankenstein movies
Tell me anyone like the Hammer Frankenstein movies so sent me a message.
Tell me anyone like the Hammer Frankenstein movies so sent me a message.
yes, I do...but not so much this one
A candy covered clown they call the Sandman...
I liked "Curse of Frankenstein" and a few of the sequels with Cushing. But this I haven't seen yet. However, the reviews look pretty bad. It's on tonight on AMC, so I'll try to stay awake thru it then post my own review...
I think that even a "bad" Hammer film is better than today's CGI garbage. At least Hammer films have great character development, pretty good writing, and absolutely the most beautiful, haunting sets, scenery and music.
My all-time favorite Hammer films are a three-way tie between "The Satanic Rites of Dracula", "Quartermass and the Pit" and "Blood from the Mummy's Tomb". But, I'm not familiar with most of the Hammer Frankenstein flicks.
[ voice of the Sheriff from "Squirm" ] "If I see you one more time....."
[ voice of Tom Servo] "That will be three times!"
I like most of the Hammer Frankenstein films. Frankenstein created woman is my least favourite but thats just because I'm an Atheist and dont like all the talk about souls
shareman you said it!! I was just thinking the same thing this past week. and kudos on your MST3K inclusion - greatest TV show EVER!
shareI haven't watched Frankenstein And The Monster From Hell yet, but I like all the others. Yes, you heard me. I enjoyed Horror of Frankenstein and The Evil of Frankenstein as well.
shareHorror of Frankenstein is a real misfire, which I don't consider a legitimate part of the Hammer Frankenstein series. The original entries with Peter Cushing as Baron Frankenstein are masterworks of the Gothic cinema. The first in the series, director Terence Fisher's Curse of Frankenstein, is one of the richest and the only one to utilize elements of Mary Shelley's novel. In my opinion, Fisher's Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed and Revenge of Frankenstein are the outstanding best of the series. Fisher's Frankenstein Created Woman is a thematically interesting experiment with considerable dramatic strength. Freddie Francis' Evil of Frankenstein lacks Fisher's vision but is a fun, visually splendid movie which pays homage to such Universal classics as Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man and House of Frankenstein. Fisher's last film, Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell, was dismissed at the time but marked an admirable return to Hammer's Gothic origins following a period of uncertain gimmickry.
Evil of Frankenstein has yet to see release on DVD which is a pity because the widescreen film has always suffered badly on standard-screen video. Also missing from DVD is Dracula A.D. 1972. These are the only two of Hammer's famous Frankenstein and Dracula series not available on DVD.
I agree that Quatermass and the Pit and Blood from the Mummy's Tomb are among the best of Hammer's later films, and I'm glad to see someone stick up for the thrilling Satanic Rites of Dracula.
I like the hammer frankenstein films, for the most part.
I guess im the only weirdo on the face of the earth who will defend "Horror of Frankenstein". I just cant see why everyone bashes it so badly. Its my second fav of all the hammer frankensteins...
1. frankenstein and the monster from hell
2. horror of frankenstein
3. curse of frankenstein
4. revenge of frankenstein
5. evil of frankienstein
6. frankenstein must be destroyed
7. frankenstein created woman
The only one of the batch that i think is pretty worthless is "FCW". i just couldnt get into it, i think its one of hammers weakest films.
I prefer the hammer frankensteins over the hammer draculas. I always felt hammer didnt do Dracula justice. The hammer draculas are all pretty bad. I know im probably about to spout blasphemy, but i never really liked Christopher Lee as dracula. I like the very first of the Hammer Draculas, but all the rest i just find very unwatchable (scars of dracula also being an exception). Especially when dracula was brought into modern times (A.D 1972, Satanic rites of dracula) I just felt it didnt work.
Hammer has many wonderful vampire films..
brides of dracula, vampire lovers, kiss of the vampire, twins of evil, captain kronos: vampire hunter, these are all excellent vampire flicks. For whatever reason i have found almost all the dracula ones very sub-par compared to these other vamp films.
Sorry... went off on another tangent. But yes, the hammer Frankenstein films are very enjoyable to watch.
BLASPHEMER! BLASPHEMER! STONE HIM! STONE HIM! eraserhd79, I'm now pointing at you and making the sound that Donald Sutherland and the others who were turned, made in the Invasion of the Body snatchers remake.
I just also want to add to the other enjoyable things of Hammer film already said, like the atmosphere and the Gothic period. I will add the cleavage. Oh, yes, let's not forget the Hammer cleavage!
I'm watching the Horror of Frankenstein right now, so let me get back to it. Hey, if you guys have a Roku device get the Cryptic-TV channel, they have at least two Hammer Films that I've seen so far, but I just started going through this channel, so I don't know if there are more, but there are a lot of other horror films. What's also nice is that the movies I've watched, only had commercials before they started, but no commercial breaks during them.
Oh, yes, let's not forget the Hammer cleavage!
I prefer the Hammer Dracula films, but the Hammer Frankenstein series is stronger and holds up better. Hammer did better by Frankenstein than Dracula.
shareI have not seen all of the Hammer Frankenstein pics but I really like Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (with beautiful Veronica Carlson), The Revenge of Frankenstein and the Horror of Frankenstein (which I just saw this year).
I like HOF and do not know why it is hated so much. I think Peter Cushing will always be the definitive Frankenstein but I like Ralph Bates Frankenstein too.
I also like most of Hammer's Dracula films too. Christopher Lee is perfect as Dracula, especially Dracula Has Risen From the Grave and Taste the Blood of Dracula (which Ralph Bates co-starred in).
They're good, but I prefer the Dracula films for some reason. This particular Frankenstein film I found a bit disturbing in places.
shareWatch several Hammer horror movies at the Parramatta Roxy Cinema Saturday matinee when I was 15 years old in the early 1970s. Horror of Frankenstein, Scars of Dracula, The Vampire Lovers and much much more. I loved the rich colour photography, the horror and the beautiful buxom girls. Ingrid Pitt, Kate O'Mara, Madelaine Smith and Veronica Carlson to name a few. Quite an education for a young boy.
shareAll of them are better than any other ones I have seen
Yes, I think they're all very good. I know a lot of people disagree but I think this is one of the very rare franchises where most of the sequels are actually better than the first movie. That doesn't happen a whole lot.