Why did Meredith Hunter carry a gun?
Does anybody know why Meredith Hunter carried a gun?
shareI would imagine that the answer to that question died with him.
shareMaybe Hunter's girlfriend who was with him at the concert testified at the trial of Hell's Angel Alan Passaro?
shareI don't know..it's odd. I felt horrible when I first saw this documentary however, when they show the clips of him holding the gun in slow-motion, well, who was he pointing the gun at? It sure looked like he was pointing it right at the stage where Mick and the Boys were. Perhaps ( and I hope this doesn't piss any of you off ) it was for the best. I mean, what if...he had shot someone? It sure looked as if he was going to try...
Bringing a gun to a show with 300,000 people, managing to get that close to the front....and pointing it at the stage......
Was it really "horrible" as Mick stated OR was he just shocked to realize maybe HE was the target?
Basically because he was a maniac culprit....JUST LIKE THE GUY WHO SHOT LENNON, THE GUY WHO SHOT DIMEBAG, etc.!!!
"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"
in my opinion, i think he probably carried it because his girlfriend was white, and tho i can't remember where, i read that Meredith Hunter pulled the gun after the angel's had already started on him, but like others say, we'll never really know for sure.
shareHe was probably scared of the Hells Angels so he had the gun thinking it would protect him. I don't believe he was trying to shoot Mick Jagger...I do believe he pulled the gun thinking the Hells Angels were going to assault him or they alread had begun to assault him. According to Sonny Barger's autobiography, some of the Angels had already beat a black kid up earlier and Marty Ballin of the Jefferson Airplane tried to break it up, only to get knocked out.
shareIn an interview, Grace Slick said Marty was NOT kicked by the Angels...but then, who really knows....?!
"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"
Suggesting that he felt threatened by the Hells Angels and pulled the gun in self defense (a VERY plausible theory) might explain why he was waving the gun around...but it doesn't explain why he ever brought the gun in the first place. I'm pretty sure it wasn't common knowledge BEFORE the show that security was going to be handled by a bunch of biker-gang thugs...and who thinks about who's going to be doing the security when they're on their way to a music festival?
shareWell, it seems Meredith was just kind of a thug. Was he a dealer? Was he expecting a fight? Good question: why bring a gun to a rock festival? It seems like the last thing you'd want to have to look after with that much acid going around. Carelessness? Fear and defensiveness getting the best of you?
My favorite band--No River City--is on tour this summer. www.norivercity.com
In a crowd that big , and an open free concert, he probably wasn't the only one carrying a gun. Still it does look like he's pointing it at the stage. Ironically, maybe the Hells Angels saved Jagger's life. There's got to be a book in this for someone. Is the girlfriend still alive? Has she anything to say?
< There's got to be a book in this for someone. Is the girlfriend still alive? Has she anything to say? >
Sonny Barger devotes a chapter to Altamont in his autobiography, Hells Angel. The book is a fascinating read...I read it in one day. Of course his story is going to be biased towards his brotherhood. According to what I saw on the web, Hunter's former girlfriend is still in hiding in fear of the Hells Angels. If I can find the link I'll post it.
It doesn't look at all like the gun was pointed at the stage--the very brief glimpse you see of it, against the girl's crocheted vest, you see it from the side and it looks like it is pointed somewhat downward, towards the ground.
'Well, it seems Meredith was just kind of a thug. Was he a dealer? Was he expecting a fight? Good question: why bring a gn to a rock festival? It seems the last thing you'd want to have to look after with that much acid going around. Carelessness? Fear and defensiveness getting the best of you?
I don't know but were YOU actually there, Drewdeman?!? It's fair to ask. I still can't get over the idea to have the Hell's Angels as security.
What you see is not necessarily what you get,
Not trying is dying, keep trying unto death....
Actually, it was common knowledge that the Hell's Angels were going to provide security.
Keep in mind that the free Altamount concert was a BIG deal--everything about it from the first idea to the final details was discussed exhaustively on the radio as it was happening. It wasn't originally planned as part of the tour--it was a spur-of-the-moment thing and the organization was pretty quick and dirty.
While driving from Los Angeles to Altamont, we weren't even sure that the concert was going to happen or which bands would appear--even the Altamont location was still uncertain the day before the concert. We kept up-to-date by listening to the radio--constant interviews with the Stones organization, local officials, various rock stars, Bill Graham, etc. When we parked for the night just off the interstate next to the racetrack, we still didn't know for sure that the concert would happen.
The Hell's Angels volunteered for the security detail when the owners of the Altamont racetrack demanded that there be security at the impromptu concert. Why the owners accepted the Angels in place of rent-a-cops, I don't know.
Also, hard as it is to believe, the terminally naive hippies saw the Angels as sort of brother outlaws and better than police or rent-a-cops. ("They won't hassle you about dope, man.") Most hippies were middle-class kids who were clueless about the Angels, and had no idea how corrupt and brutal they really were. All that changed after Altamont, of course.
i dont think the kid that the lead singer of jefferson airplane got knocked out trying to save was black.
and yeah i doubt he was the only geezer who was packin a gun at that concert.also this was the 1960's right? so a black guy is gunna expect trouble wherever he goes.
*beep* hells angels....
what i can come up with is that he was quite simply p'd off with the way the hells angels were treating everyone. they were paid in beer before and during the show so they were all going to be a bit wild anyway. i believe that (while being fed up with the treatment) one of them pushed him (possibly) or may have evem said something to him (a racist remark??) he then decides to pull the gun on an angel and as you should all know, when you are in a gang it is all for one and he was stabbed and beaten on the ground to death. not a nice story. i in no way condone what happend but there are many ways of looking at it (none of these are of my opinion unless stated). 1) he got what he deserved. 2) yes he was black and there may have been a racist remark but being black in the 60's he shouldnt have reacted the way he did etc. like i said there are endless reasons. and all of you are right, we will never know the real one. as both he and Alan Passaro (the stabber) were the only ones to know the real reason. the truth is dead but im sure the debate will continue.
Maybe because the hell's angels are thugs. This was the sixties, the civil rights act just passed. yes, this was not long ago.
and the hell's angels were thugs plain and simple. some things never change.
That might explain why he pulled the gun out at that moment, but it doesn't explain why he brought with him in the first place. I doubt the general public had any idea the Hells Angels were going to be doing security. When was the last time you asked yourself, "who's handling security?" when you were getting ready to go to a concert?
shareHe may not have been worried (or had knowledge of) the Hell's Angels' presence. He may have brought the gun because he was going into a crowd of 300,000 people with a white girlfriend in the 1960's.
We come into the world naked, screaming and covered in blood. Why should the fun end there?
I don't remember if this happened during the Jefferson Airplane set, but earlier in the film you can see one of the Hell's Angels attack another black man.
Meredith Hunter does point his gun in the general direction of the stage, but he'd just been pushed out of a group from the side of the stage, got turned sideways and knocked off balance. I don't think he was aiming at a particular target. The Hell's Angel with the knife rushed him before he really gets steady, and you'll notice that the first lunge with the knife actually stabbed Hunter in the back, because he's still off balance and turned away from the stage at that point.
I'd guess he pulled the gun with the thought of threatening whoever pushed him away from the stage, probably a different Hell's Angel.
You have no Idea what you are talking about. Bikers always stand together and the HA never go out looking for trouble they have always only reacted to what comes their way as any true Biker does. primarily we want to ride and live free. We are not thugs or drug dealers any more than any other demographic group. I was offered more drugs buy dealers that were the son's of upper midddle class americans when i was in college then i was ever offered by a Biker. i live among them now and I understand them, I respect them cause not to is hazardous to your health. Motorcycle clubs (where you earn your patches not buy them) are brotherhoods, more than fraturnities, almost like the military. Meredith Should never have carried a gun there and when confronted by them simply had to leave, not pull a gun. I think it's sad that anyone had to die at an event that was supposed to be about music and a good time.
shareHunter was from the East Bay, which was always violent, even back then. I can't find any info as to what city he was born in, but if he's from East Oakland, as most Blacks in the East Bay were in 1969, then carrying a gun was par for the course. Thug, or no thug. Otherwise law abiding citizens carried guns in Oakland, and many still do. Risking a firearm possession charge is worth the comfort of having the thing in the likely event something will jump off. Those old cowboys that Clint Eastwood and Ronald Reagan portrayed in movies did so as well, and for the same reason. So, let's leave the double standards at the door, shall we? I'm no second amendment crusader, but someone having a gun doesn't necessarily make them a thug.
There's a disputed story that he didn't pull the gun until he was already stabbed one time by the supposed stabber that wasn't caught on camera.
It's hard to say.
i heard that too, whether or not it's true about thr stabbing, i think he was almost definitely attacked before he pulled the gun.
why, because he was black? that is so narrow-minded
shareHe could have been a member of the Nixon Administration. They were all thugs, too.
Leprachauns are not evil, some just have faces only a parent could love.
shareAlan David Passaro (August 23, 1948 – March 29, 1985) was a notorious Hells Angels member famous for the 1969 stabbing of Meredith Hunter at the Altamont Free Concert during The Rolling Stones' set. Passaro claimed self-defense and was acquitted.
In 1985, Passaro was found dead, floating face down in the Anderson Reservoir with $10,000 in his pocket
I think Meredith Hunter may have had a lot of money on himself, and carried a gun to protect his money. Or, he may have been worried about being harrassed for having a white girlfriend, and had it for protection.
He certainly stands out against the average white hippie in the Stones crowd with that green suit and black ruffled shirt.
I've seen guys at Phish shows with $5000 in $20's on them too flashing their cash. Most of them were drug dealers. So it's not a racial statement that he probably was a drug dealer.
Now, why he pulled a gun out? I'm not sure that caused the Angels to jump on him. Maybe they saw the gun in his pants, and freaked out.
They may have saved more than one life.
The gun is shown very clearly in silhouette--therefore NOT pointing at the band--that whole angle is absolutely ridiculous.
Aagh; you're a HEDGE!
It is clearly stated that there was a man pointing a gun at the stage(from the stage) before the crowd split apart with fear and the shot of the gun was noted therefore he was pointing the gun at the stage end of ;-) and to the black guy being a pimp drug dealer it looks most likley because he was from a rough area as was said (nothing to do with color :-)) he was dressed like a pimp drug dealer in among a generation of hippie dressed flower children lol and with a white chick which would have seemed ok if he was an equality peace loving hippy type but he wasnt ....all i know for sure is he should not have been carrying a gun in the first place and the Hells Angels who are also usually given a bad name beacuse of the way they dress and the conduct of some, were too heavy handed so we will never know who was to blame the whole thing was the collective built up frustrations of a generation on a peace ,love comedown that exploded into hysterical violence ......Peace !!!
Guess I missed that statement.
The audio on the DVD I watched wasn't the greatest.
Who knows what was in the guy's mind.
Aagh; you're a HEDGE!
A lot came out at the trial of the murder in 1972 actually, and why he carried a gun. This is why Passaro was not convicted. (Passaro was the Angel who supposedly stabbed Meredith) The case of the murder was reopened after Passaro was acquitted of the charges because the stab wounds were not consistent. Their were a total of 5 wounds. Two were upward and consistent with Passaro's thrusts, but 3 other thrusts were downward and it has never been made clear how that happened as the only evidence is on film of Passaro stabbing upward. The case was closed in 2005 as no further evidence could be found to file charges. Meredith Hunter was heard to have told friends he wanted Mick Jagger dead. (This was testimony at the trial in 1972 and it has never been made known why he hated Mick Jagger) He packed a gun obviously with the intent of some sort of reason.
It wasn't made public the Hell's Angels were ever hired to Police the Concert before the event was finalized. The event was planned with 100,000 to attend but instead 400,000 showed up. Count the number of cops there, to save you the trouble only 6 police were there. The Hell's Angels were "hired" to watch the equipment for the bands performing. What is known is that the Angels were asked to keep the mob from jumping on stage. The only thing the Hell's Angels got as payment for anything was $500 in beer, but both Sonny Barger (Hell's Angels president)and Cutler (Stones event manager) have refuted that the Angel's were "hired for Security". Furthermore, the event was finalized only 24 hours before it started and as such could not organize any kind of security. Mick Jagger was known to have several stalkers in California with some being known as stalkers, but back then a the legal term "stalker" was not used however. There are many eyewitness accounts of Meredith pointing the gun toward the stage as pointed out by templanight. To blame the violence solely on the Hell's Angels is clearly misguided. The blame to me has to be shared with the naive Rolling Stones who thought a free concert at a location like San Fran was going to be a beautiful thing when organized at the last minute.
today there is more guns in u.s. today than citizens,i guess a lot of people had guns back then as well,as it is specifically permitted by law for quite a while now, like 240 years right?.
Btw,you might not have noticed, it was 1969,and he was in fact black,does hat ring a bell? rings a choir of bells to me.
And yes, he definetely was not the guy that would have enjoyed keeping a low-profile. So there is lots of room for speculation,especially since in contrast to some of the previous threads I find it very hard to judge the incident by what you see in the film "gimme shelter". At least I couldnt tell wether he was pointing the gun towards any people on stage and neither could I recognize the cascade of events, or in other words who did what when? We dont even know if it was loaded do we?
I didnt hear a shot,was there one? If he was really going to shoot in the 1st place for whatever reason, i suppose he would have done so by the time he got stabbed the 1st time.
I could definetely NOT support the opinion that he was going to assasin mick.That is completely hypothetical, and none of us know how credible any witnesses or reports about them are, and i doubt that anybody was told by meredith himself that he was going to shoot mick.That suggestion sounds biased to me,it sounds untrue tbh.
Finally I have to say that even though it may sound insensitive 4 deaths is not such a bad number considering there were 300.000 people at the festival.
And lets not forget the 4 births, what a coincidence.
The Hell's Angels were "hired" on the advice of Jerry Garcia, whom the Stones considered more knowledgeable than themselves about how to deal the problems they were likely to present at a big show. The consensus was, the Angels were going to show up no matter what you did; your best bet was to try to get them on your side and to therefore exercise some kind of control over them, or to make them believe they had control over something, in hopes that they would then show everybody they could act righteous when it good and well suited them. An imperfect solution which obviously didn't work. But, without the benefit of the hindsight that we all now have, can anybody honestly say they could've come up with a better plan, under the circumstances? Hiring a bunch of cops just ensures that there's going to be a massive bloodbath between them and the Angels, with probably untold numbers of people getting caught in the middle of it. Where I think they made the critical mistake is paying the Angels with BEER. For cripes sake, they could afford to pay cash. Sure, the Angels were going to be drinking, but why encourage it? Why not make it harder instead of easier; why not give them serious cash and send a message that you see them as professionals and expect the job to be done well? Might not have changed a thing, but if less alcohol had been consumed by the Angels that night, the outcome might have been a little different, and a just a little might have saved a life.
share"Where I think they made the critical mistake is paying the Angels with BEER. For cripes sake, they could afford to pay cash. Sure, the Angels were going to be drinking, but why encourage it? Why not make it harder instead of easier?"
Because the Angels would have come to their backstage and drank their beers.
I think the whole truth is that the Stones didn't give a sh*t about the people. The Angels were hired to provide security for their gear.
- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.
I think the important thing is that he was stopped before he could point the gun at jagger if he wasnt being hassled by the Angels he may have had time to shoot Jagger. If this is what he intented to do from reading the other posts sounds like he did.
shareHe was surrounded by 300,000 white people on drugs. I would have brought a gun too, man!
Meredith Hunter didn't exist.
Everyone at the concert imagined him while they were tripping.
"Adolph Hitler is still alive. I slept with her last night."
I've read alot about Altamont and just watched the film again last night with a friend that was totally blown away by it. Like I was surprised how much the film affected him.
But diidn't I read that after the weapon was found it was not loaded? Or is it just my hazy memory. I could have sworn that they said the gun wasn't loaded.
"I've seen things in this city that make Dante's Inferno read like Winnie The Pooh."