Missing scenes?

I first read about this film in a horror zine called Ooh My Brain Hurts. In issue 5 from Aug/Sept 1991 (I still have it) there was a retrospective feature on Argentos movies. Cat O Nine Tails gets a right drubbing but it mentions among the highlights two scenes in particular. "An amusing cursing contest in an Italian pub" and a scene where the killer slides down an elevator cable with his bare hands. I recently watched the Diamond Entertainment DVD and neither of these scenes are included. Has anyone seen these two scenes described in another version?


The elevator cable scene appears on the Blue Underground DVD release. Pretty cringe-worthy.

Not sure about the Italian pub scene, though. There is a scene where the reporter goes to a gay gentleman's club to talk to a scientist, but it doesn't appear to match the scene you're referring to.


your first problem is watching a diamond entertainment release
