MovieChat Forums > Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (1970) Discussion > Anyone know about a DVD release ?

Anyone know about a DVD release ?

I've never seen this film before, but I've wanted to for nearly ten years. Please someone start a petition to get this out on DVD. I don't want to wait another ten years.

"The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated." Oscar Wilde - from Dorian Grey.


I saw this a very long time ago on TV. I thought Helmut Berger was perfectly cast as the gorgeous, vein Dorian. Lot's of beautiful woman too. I doubt this version will ever make it to DVD (too trashy and the outdated 60's look). Hell, I'm still waiting for Robinson Crusoe on Mars and that's a top notch sci-fi classic.

You need to find a VHS copy that was converted to DVD. I have not dealt with this person, but he can probably do this for you if you provide the tape.
Otherwise search for a so called "asian release".
Please update if you find a copy.


The DVD was released in Germany this year by, but unfortunately only with German soundtrack. I am very happy with the picture quality, though. At you can find an English version on VHS.


I got the vhs of this movie.Is there anything cut out of the video that you know of? I know that when movies go to DVD sometimes there is unseen footage


According to the details at, it has 92 minutes, IMDB says it should be 101 minutes, and the arthaus DVD runs 91 minutes. So it would appear both of our versions are cut, and mine is not in the original language (English). What I really did enjoy, though, was the documentary about Helmut Berger. Mostly he speaks in German, but in some situations he is speaking Italian or sometimes he says something in English.

I have to accept it for what it is, the only version I could get on DVD at this point in time. If a full, uncut version is ever released, I will gladly buy it. I did notice it seemed a lot less racy than I had remembered it. In fact, I do remember reading someone's review of the DVD in German, and he complained that it was a watered down version meant for afternoon TV showing. In the States I think they always showed this late at night and didn't necessarily bother with editing anything out, which is paradoxical considering that usually nudity is frowned upon in America, but not in Germany.


This was given an official release in Italy. I believe the DVD also has an English option, although I'm not sure if that is in the form of subtitles or an audio track. I hope that helps.


According to the DVD Drive-In website, Raro Video is releasing this film in America on April 26.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Just got an updated press release from RaroVideo U.S. - the release date has been pushed to May 17th. You can read full text of the press release at my website by clicking here:

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I got the DVD - the picture quality is good although there is a disclaimer at the beginning regarding the soundtrack - most of the actors (including Helmet Berger) spoke their dialog in English (but were dubbed later) so I think the English audio is the best option - the dubbing matches the actors' words perfectly and is a better representation of the story than the subtitled version

however - the disc I got from DVDEmpire was unplayable from chapter 17 on, starting with the dance scene at the disco around 1:10:15 - it completely pixelated and was unwatchable - so not sure if it is just this disc or endemic to the whole run - DVDEmpire is great with exchanging so will send the bad one back for a new one and hope it plays okay

this is the complete 101m version - was quite pleased with this dvd


