MovieChat Forums > Diary of a Mad Housewife (1971) Discussion > johnathan reminds me of my father

johnathan reminds me of my father

Anyone known anyone like that? They mean well but try to relentlessly climb socially, and end up looking like hammy douches who don't know anything. They're also amazing at talking trash, but they would never do it to the face of who they're talking trash about because they're cowards.

People like that want to be the president (or something similar) but would never get there because they're so damn fake.

A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?


You have my deepest condolances.


Appreciated, but at least I have a model of how not to act.

A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?


"People like that want to be the president (or something similar) but would never get there because they're so damn fake"

And all this time I thought that one of the prime requisites of becoming a politician was being a 'fake' personage to all the people voting for you!


You immediately know that Jonathan is a douche, because he is an American who uses the word "bloody".


No, you know he's a douche because of the WAY he uses the word "bloody". Americans who spend a great deal of time around Brits do sometimes pick up their slang, but they do so in a very natural way. Jonathan puts way too much emphasis on it making it sound like he's proclaiming himself both sophisticated and hip from its use.


