I agree that it's a masterpiece, one of my favorite movies. I just recently called Movies Unlimited and asked about it. The customer service lady said that she was showing that the "manufacturer" had announced that it would be released on DVD and then cancelled that, with no explanation given. I told her it about made me sick to hear that.
A warning - if and when this does ever show up on TV, you never know what's going to be missing. I saw 2 different cuts on regular cable channels in the 1980s, and got real excited when it was coming on one of the movie channels we subscribed to in the '90s-early 2000s (either Starz or Cinemax, I think). I was horrified when I watched the tape I made. The nudity and language I'd never gotten to see was there, but even more stuff was missing! So, including what was shown on the "premium" movie channel, I've seen it edited at least 3 different ways.