Scene missing

Yes, I can confirm there is a scene missing from the YouTube version, and possibly more than one.

I remember seeing this movie on TV as a kid.

Anyway, there is a scene where Tina slaps one of the kids in the face and sends them to their room. Later she confides in the kids and tells them she is sorry for slapping them, but they are just so “incredibly impossible to cope with”.

The kid (finally) talks to Tina in a sincere manner and asks “Why do you let Dad pick on you all the time”. Something to that affect.

Great movie. One of the all time classic 60s / 70’s films.

Someone should definitely release a remastered definitive version.


I recall that scene. It illustrates how kids are watching and learning from us how they should expect to be treated...

"When you think of garbage, think of Akeem!"


There is a reason for that. This scene, believe it or not, was never in the theatrical version. When the "edited for television" version was show on TV, the director put in several scenes that had hit the cutting room floor beforehand. Some scenes of her in a psychiatrist's office were also added to the TV version.

Too bad those scenes were never in the original....they were good scenes, and helped carry the narrative.


So is the 95 minutes version the actual theatrical cut? The copy I have (from an old VHS) definitely has R-rated material, but is missing scenes I thought I remembered from previous viewings on television. Is it possible that the 104 min version is actually the censored TV print?


I've seen the VHS version you're talking about....that is the original theatrical release.


I just watched this on Youtube and I have to say, I'm SO disappointed to hear this scene was missing. I loved the movie anyway but I feel cheated as it sounds like that scene really added yet another layer of depth.

Everybody needs love. Have you held your hostage today?
