This movie is so kick-ass! Why haven't those dumb bastards at MGM/UA and Warner Bros. issued this brilliant Altman classic? It's cultish, it's zen-cool, and it's very defining of the time in the 70's in which it came out. This film has had VHS and laserdisc treatments, so why not DVD, too?!
I just want to finally see this rare American beauty for the first time in widecreen, the way it deserves to be seen, that's all.
And Michael Murphy is insanely awesome as Det. Frank Shaft. Why didn't he at least cop an Oscar nomination for this? I totally love this picture!
I have to say that I couldn't agree more. Some of the most unbelievably crappy movies ever made have been released on DVD and, yet, Brewster McCloud is still unavailable. Also sadly absent are Trouble in Mind, Johnny Got His Gun, and Swimming to Cambodia, to name a few.
I hear ya; this is cinema extraordinaire! Loved it when 1st released; love it now after at least ten 1st-frame-to-last viewings. Seems an obvious candidate for a top-drawer Criterion DVD launch - it's Altman's 'Satyricon'.
There was a chat conducted by a while back with MGM. They basically stated that it was unlikely for Brewster McCloud to get a DVD release anytime soon, due to the poor sales of McCabe and Mrs. Miller. Oh well...
I have a dvd of brewster mccloud. i got it off ebay, and it works fine. comes with original trailer too. didn't see any more dvds though. i had to chase this thing down. ended up bidding like $50 something on it, but it was totally worth it! so just to let you know, there is hope. if i found one, there must be more out there somewhere. good luck
yes, i think that it was a transfer from the laserdisc that was originally released as widescreen, i guess for now, that is the best place to find this great film on dvd, from ebay
I wonder if this dvd version offered on ebay is counterfeit. Why would ebay be the only place where this can be found? It's not on Amazon or any other web site. Try finding one using Google search. So should we assume that someone had a laserdisc and did their own transfer and made up some box artwork? If so then I would not want to support that by buying one.
One day this film WILL be released on DVD. Hey, it took about a quarter-century to release it on VHS! Perhaps now that Robert Altman is back in the director's chair with "Prarie Home Companion" there might just be enough demand for a "Brewster" DVD!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Jay_Gregory] Hope this wasn't asked in the first five minutes: any chance for a 'Brewster McCloud' DVD? Love 'McCabe...'
[Warner] Based on past sales of BREWSTER on VHS and LD, it's doubtful a DVD release of the film would be profitable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am a huge fan of Bud Cort, and interestingly, a few of his obscure film titles have been released on DVD, albeit without any special features with them: "Hysterical," "Beware! the Blob," and "Ted and Venus". So there is still hope for seeing a DVD of "Brewster McCloud" someday. I know that these other titles when in their original theatrical releases didn't sell as well as "Brewster McCloud" did. And I am sure that the VHS versions didn't sell as well either, but they made it onto DVD anyway.
Don't lose hope for this film getting a proper and long overdue DVD treatment. (With it, hopefully, being a better than what was done for another Bud Cort title, "Harold and Maude," which got a chintzy DVD treatment by Paramount Pictures).
IMDb lists it still under Lions Gate Films, so maybe they still hold the copyright, and are waiting to release it on DVD someday. You might also want to give a suggestion to The Criterion Collection (, to get their hands on "Brewster McCloud" and put out a quality DVD of it.
I did get one of those you mentioned, "Beware! the Blob" (has a kitten in the opening credits), and came here to see if this gem (Brewster McCloud) is on DVD yet. I guess not, but I will purchase when it comes out.
Because the film is owned by Warners, it can't be licensed to companies like Anchor Bay or Criterion. But then again, O.C. AND STIGGS got released, so there's still hope.
But O.C. AND STIGGS doesn't belong to Warner Bros. it belongs to MGM! and naturally it has been released. I'm patiently waiting the "Brewster McCloud" DVD release (probably we will never have a DVD but the release will be under the future BluRay or HDDVD format). In the meantime I bought the VHS and the Laserdisc versions.
I mentioned O.C. AND STIGGS not because I thought it was a Warner Bros. film but because it wasn't a financial success, a la BREWSTER, and if someone thought that O.C. would have an audience on DVD, then there's still hope for BREWSTER or H*E*A*L*T*H or A PERFECT COUPLE...
there will be no Brewster McCloud DVD until Warner Bros finds a suitable 16 mm master so they can make a widescreen print of this film. you might be waiting until 2007 or 2008 for this.
Well what did they use for the laserdisc that was released in 1993? I have that and the picture is widescreen. I also have "Thieves Like Us" and "Buffalo Bill and the Indians" on laserdisc in widescreen. I also have "Streamers", but it's a cheapie pan and scan with pretty soft picture detail. (The turn of the century was a great time for buying used laserdiscs for very cheap prices from video rental stores making the transition to DVD.) "Thieves..." is great and has director commentary and productions stills and sketches. I don't know why all 3 of these haven't also been released on DVD. I'd really like to see "That Cold Day in the Park" get a DVD release also. But then I shouldn't complain too much. I thought we'd never get DVDs of "Images" or "3 Women" or "California Split". And they finally did come out, and fairly inexpensive at that.
BREWSTER played in New York recently at an Altman retrospective, and will screen again in Santa Monica in June, so there are usable prints out there. I just pray that the original negative is in good condition.
I just saw it two nights ago in Santa Monica, and the print was excellent. Very minimal fading and debris. If this film continues to get booked, and people see it in theatres, WB will take notice, and we can finally own it.
This definitely deserves a DVD release, it is one of the most underrated movies out there. And underrated partly because people do not have a chance to see it properly and to find out what a great movie it really is.
Maybe now that Robert Altman has died MGM/ Warner Brothers will rethink their marketing strategy and release a DVD of this great film along with some of Altman's earlier films, including Streamers and That Cold Day in the Park. I agree that with all the shlock that is released every day on DVD, it is unconscionable for the studios to holdout DVD transfers of films of the likes of Brewster McCloud.