is there any chance that this movie will come to dvd soon?
shareyeah whats going on?
shareFreaking MGM, they suck they've got such a great library and yet there are still films like this one that are unavailable. And when they do release them the transfers aren't that good and the special features are nil. Luckily I recorded myself a copy from TCM a year ago. Hopefully they'll show it again.
shareActually, it's Warner that owns the rights to this one and they said in their February chat on the Home Video Forum that a Brewster McCloud DVD should be coming out in 2008.
I'm probably not the only one who thinks the Criterion Collection should jump on this one. They already did "3 Women."
shareI'm probably not the only one who thinks the Criterion Collection should jump on this one. They already did "3 Women."Only reason they distributed 3 Women was because FOX is one of the few major studios that's actually willing to license some of their films. As far as I know, Universal Studios, New Line and most recently Paramount have worked with Criterion.
Go to 'allcluesnosolutions.com' for 7 bucks it's yours.
shareNo , we'll wait for the official release thank you very much.
shareyeah, I saw this movie once on TCM and couldn't believe how amazing it was. I don't even remember what it was about now but I'm dying to see it again. Can't wait for the offical release.
shareAll of Altman's films, especially his 70's output, should be on DVD. It's an absolute no brainer. And some of his movies that have gotten a DVD release are out of print already, such as California Split. And now Images is going out of print as well. Once movies are released on DVD they should be in print and available forever, that's the whole point to releasing them on DVD in the first place.
shareshould we just hope for 2009, now?
shareIn case it takes a long time for Brewster to come to DVD, I know a woman who can copy the movie on DVD, and send it to you for free. She is the host of the Unnofficial Bud Cort Fan Site. (http://www.geocities.com/budcortfanclub)
I know a copy on DVD wouldn't be as good as having an official release, but I think it's a good temporary fix.
"So I'll always know where it is."
Just announced that this upcoming Tuesday (7/13) it will be available (it's already there for pre-order for 19.95 + shipping) from the official Warner Home Video website exclusively. The DVD is remastered widescreen and it contains the theatrical trailer. :) Finally!
shareIn case this is deterring for some, the DVD is manafactured by request in DVD-R format: http://www.oldies.com/product-view/8378FD.html
"Consistency is not really a human trait." -Maude