
Hadn't seen this for thirty years and nearly bust a gut. Starts off a little too frenetically though. I miss this counter-culture wackiness. I guess current events have sort of gone beyond satire though.


I know most of todays audience wouldn't "get it" if they saw this movie, but it was like MASH was, pretty much an anti-war allegory. And Stacy Keach' character was beyond bizarre as a long-haired, miserable old geezer chaeting people out of money


My sister tried to get her kids to sit through "Harold and Maude" once. They didn't make it to the end and were bemused that it was one of her favourites. I suppose it's like the Stone Age now (those phones.)

I couldn't get one of them to sit through "Where Eagles Dare." I was heartbroken!


The movie is not about war, though it IS an allegory. And it is not a comedy. See my comment under the "I wish I understood it" comment.


Of course it's a comedy. I think we can take the director's word on that even if the evidence wasn't "in your face", so to speak. It is black comedy though, which isn't for everybody.


I agree, saw this as a teenager and laughed so loud my sides hurt. Hope to see it soon again :)
