The Planet of the Apes 2001..... NOT the worst Planet of the Apes movie.This is ! Just terrible. I am absolutely shocked that FOX put up the money for three more after this disaster.

"Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!" -HOMER J.SIMPSON


Best of the sequels, I've always thought.


I am absolutely shocked that FOX put up the money for three more after this disaster.

They did because the film wasn't a disaster at the box office and that is what really counts in Hollywood.


Unfortunately. They had a built in audience and by the time enough people had see it out of curiosity, it had made money. Back then, word of mouth did not travel as fast as it is able to now.

"Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!" -HOMER J.SIMPSON


The 2001 Planet of the Apes movie was so bad it resembled an M. Night Shamalon (misspelling intended) movie. Now, you have to admit, that's bad.

This movie in no way resembled a Shammy turd, therefore much better...


It had all the ingridents to be a nice follow up and expand the story
