
When women, as they will, issue in my presence meaningless cheap shots about men's supposed inability to multi-task, my riposte is always the same two words: Mel Bakersfield.



I'm a female who does not multitask well. Last year a male coworker actually said to me "You women are supposed to be experts at multitasking." Wow.

I am a very left brained computer programmer math geek, so I guess that's why I'm not a multitasker. When my son was in college he had to listen to music while studying and still made As. I cannot read unless it's totally quiet.

So yeah, a sampling from the total population would prove this point better.



Women can't multitask better than men and men can multitask.
Most test insulting the largest have no difference between the genders.
In fact more have men at being better than women.
Now before you say something about test not being credible you must remember that the only reason women go round with their sexist "men can't multitask" nonsense because there was one treat which said women were slightly better.

At no point did it say men can't but women took it and used it for yet another insecure "aren't men useless and only women can do this" attack.

Remember we should always treat women with respect.
I always say with the same respect that they treat us.
then they'll complain.

And the next time a woman boast about multitasking (I was in a shop recently and a woman behind the counter was putting something on the shelf, she seen me and said sorry I was just multitasking!?!) or tells you that because you're a man you are incapable of multitasking just point out her misandry to her.
