Looking for Episode

Need some help finding an episode. Been a while, but I'm almost sure it was a Night Gallery episode. I could be wrong!

A man and his troubled son moves to the country. The son while exploring sees a herd of wild horses meets some other children that were orphans being cared for a mysterious lady in white. She is a probably a witch (or some other magical being) who turned the children's parents into horses.

The man tries to fight for his son's love, but in the end he is just transformed and joins the herd.

Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second. ~ Godard


manwithacamera, that sounds like an interesting story, but it's not a Night Gallery episode. I've seen them all and nothing like that has been featured.

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination..."


It seemed like the tone of NG, but it must be another of the anthologies from that times.

Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second. ~ Godard


I wish someone would tell us where this story is from. I'd love to see it.


Are you from the USA ? Just to point you in a (maybe) direction: try
Tales of the Unexpected
Ray Bradbury Theater
The Evil Touch (Australia)
Journey to the Unknown ? (U.K.)

"In every dimension , there's another YOU!"
