Flammable City

Why does the entire city blow up when the good guys try and escape. Sure the detonate a booby trap and toss some grenades, but they leave the city they seem to drive for 5 minutes through a buring city. The fire marshall should have done something, no?


I was thinking the same thing. They set off a bomb, and there's fire EVERYWHERE they go! I also like how the car they push down the hill inexplicably explodes in mid-air, and the German airplanes on the ground explode after being "bumped" by their vehicle at the end.



Fire protection hasn't improved much over the years. Take any action film today and everything still explodes on contact.

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The WW2 spy comedy "Top Secret" - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088286/
did a sight gag with this type of hair-trigger explosion during the vehicles chase sequence.



I am not sure if it was anywhere else (I think not), but they had a great joke about someone having a slight contact with a car and it blows up.
This is not really a gag about the exploding cars in movies, but of reality. The car in question is Ford Pinto which was called back at the time to explode in flames when it was hit from behind.
Here is a Wikipedia article about the insident: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Pinto#Fuel_tank_controversy

Here is also a little smaller article about the car: http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1658545_1658498 _1657866,00.html


The scene you're talking about doesn't exist. Except for the munitions shed they were using for a safehouse and the cable car dock, nothing in the town catches fire or is destroyed. They do briefly ride through some flames on the motorcycle after blowing up the ammo shed, but that lasts less than a minute. And the fir marshal did do something. Many times, we see German soldiers combating the flames with hoses.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"
