Un unlikely haircut

Clint Eastwood's disguised as a German Army officer. It would have been inconceivable. He would have been immediately detected.


I have seen more unlikely haircuts in other films. The French football spectators in Escape To Victory have in many cases haircuts only too typical of the early 1980s. On the other hand, in Saving Private Ryan the Germans have their heads closely shaved, which was not in fact typical of German soldiers in WW2.
There are lots of improbabilities in this film, but I enjoy it and don't take it too seriously.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."


There are lots of improbabilities in this film, but I enjoy it and don't take it too seriously.

Of course. I don't take it "too seriously" either. In fact, I couldn't care less, it was just a comment.


Oh yes, I'm past the days when I would pick holes in war films because a detail on a uniform was not quite right.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."


I don't "pick holes in war films", as you admit you did in the past, it was just a comment. I started a thread because no one had mentioned this before, to see if someone else had a different opinion and why. Period. And if you visit other war films boards here on IMDb you will see that quite a few posters pay much attention to details concerning uniforms, ranks, locations, armament, dates, &c and start threads about it. No problem, that's what Internet fora and message boards are about, among other things, and that's why I visit them, to learn and—whenever I can— to teach what I know.
