MovieChat Forums > Where Eagles Dare (1969) Discussion > Referenced in Star Wars - A New Hope?

Referenced in Star Wars - A New Hope?

The sequence in the prison cell in both Where Eagles Dare and A New Hope have quite a bit in common.

- trying to be subtle but all hell breaks loose.

- A character communicating through an intercom/radio.

- chaotic shooting.

- trying to rescue a prisoner

- one female character, while the other three are male

The whole feel of it was quite similar to the scene in Star Wars. Anyone else feel as if George Lucas was influenced by this movie? I know Spielberg was.


"Where Eagles Dare" was always one of my favorite songs by The Misfits and Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton are both BADASS so when I saw this on my grandma's DVD shelf the other day I couldn't help but borrow it immediately.

So I finally watched the movie today and as a HUGE Star Wars geek I noticed that too and had the exact same thought! Nice to see I'm not alone.

But one more thing!

I was ALSO cracking up every single time Clint Eastwood said, "We've got company," which is practically every other scene, lol.

Aaaaaaand, perhaps not quite so coincidentally, right after Han Solo blasts the com and says, "It was a boring conversation anyway," he adds, "Luke! We're gonna have company!"

I'd say that pretty much seals the deal.




Glad that me and my friend are not the only ones who noticed this. Probably saw this movie before the Star Wars movies and I have watched it many, many times over the years, just as I have with 'Star Wars', yet it only just occurred to me that parts of that movie were probably inspired by this film. Actually the scene in which the SS try to perform storming tactics in the corridor against Clint Eastwood was shot and performed similar to a scene in 'Star Wars;, and that is what tipped me off.

It is still more or less a remake of 'Hidden Fortress', though.

Formerly KingAngantyr


I was thinking this also while watching it again. In Star Wars: A New Hope, the scene where they're trying to escape with Princess Leia, they passed some storm troopers commenting about the rebels being on more than one level due to the confusion they were causing. The same thing was happening In Where Eagles Dare as explosions were going off on multiple levels and the traitors were taken past a group of Germans fighting a fire.
