in Fall 1969, the NFL season was in full swing. L.A. Rams players Roman Gabriel and Melin Olsen have brief appearences. This was marketed quite heavily in L.A. The Rams had a record of 8- or 9-0 when I went to see this movie. I was hoping it would be about the football team ...
Ha! I saw this at the Fox Theater in Visalia, California upon opening, I had just turned 15. After True Grit it was going to be hard no matter what Duke did to better it, this movie does not best True Grit, but it is now after all these years a great nostalgia piece if nothing else. It is on amctv right now, and it brings back a flock of memories.
Heh... I saw this at the Bamboo Bowl Theater (which was a converted athletic stadium where you could either sit in the bleachers, or on blankets on the field) at Clark Air Base, in the Philippines... I was 13 at the time... I loved it, and it's still my favorite John Wayne movie... and I'm watching it on AMC right now!
... the hardest thing in this world is to live in it...
"in Fall 1969, the NFL season was in full swing. L.A. Rams players Roman Gabriel and Melin Olsen have brief appearences. This was marketed quite heavily in L.A. The Rams had a record of 8- or 9-0 when I went to see this movie. I was hoping it would be about the football team ... "
This reminds me of when the movie "Crimson Tide" came out. University of Alabama fans rioted all over the state of Alabama when they discovered that "Crimson Tide" was a movie about some "silly little submarine" than about Paul Bryant and the Alabama Football Team . . . :-)!
Alabama alumnus can take some satisfaction in the fact that the "silly submarine movie" sucked. I saw it in the theater when it came out and have never had any interest in watching it again.