Just a Couple Problems
All in all, I liked this movie. It wasn't great, but I thought it was good, just a nice, entertaining little western about a time and place that is not often covered. However, I have to point out two things that really bugged me. The first is the Confederates inviting the Federals to a 4th of July party. I find that a little far-fetched considering that the 4th of July was when the Confederate fortress-city of Vicksburg surrendered and it was not until like world War I that southern states started celebrating the 4th again.
Probably more than that though is the warm & friendly ending with the Juarista General Rojas. Am I the only one that finds it a little absurd that after this general kidnapps Langdon and all his people, threatens to massacre them all, soldiers and civilians alike, and then extorts Thomas into giving up his entire fortune of horses that they would all gather round and join in a friendly toast to the Juarista cause?! I know the movie was trying to reiterate that the Juaristas were the "good" guys and Juarez was America's choice for ruler of Mexico, but considering everything Rojas had just put them through I can't accept that Langdon and Thomas would want to have a drink with the guy.
"I AM Jerusalem"