The ending sucked...

The movie was ok, but not Wayne's best. But the ending really annoyed me - the Mexican General was threatening to kill the Confederates a few moments ago, but at the end they're sharing a drink with him.

I was hoping that John Wayne was going to form a rescue party and kill the lot of those Mexicans. That would have been a far more satisfying ending.

Terrible things, Lawrence. You've done terrible things!


I must admit, I was a bit confused at the did seem to be missing something.

I expected some kind of rescue/shootout/stampede or whatever. And I did think it was kinda strange seeing them share a drink in good humor with the Juarista General who - a few minutes earlier - was about to execute all of Hudson's group in cold blood.

Still...very enjoyable for me, I found it very watchable. The cast was outstanding and the film had plenty of humor. I loved Dub Taylor's crusty old cook!

"You know all those mean things I said...tell 'em I meant every damned word of it!"


I found it strange too. The Mexican General and his men were about to kill Hudson's men and threatened the rest, and then next thing you saw, all three were toasting.


I agree Wayne should have kicked that Mexican General's ass.
