MovieChat Forums > Topaz (1969) Discussion > I like this movie, and...Castro's Cuba

I like this movie, and...Castro's Cuba

I like this movie and, as someone else put it, I don't know why. In fact, every time I see it, I like it a little bit more each time. Maybe it is partly because it is a fact based movie (and book). A friend of mine years ago was prominent in the resistance and was secretly brought out of Cuba to save his life which he was about to lose. He said the atmosphere in Cuba as it was depicted in the movie was right on. People who spoke out about Castro lost their jobs, had mysterious "accidents" or just plain disappeared during the night. This man was terrified for his father who, like Juanita, was Cuban, loved his country and refused to leave it. The father did eventually just disappear. My friend said the Castro's mentor and cheerleader was definitely Russia.
