
My memory of the movie is watching Hitchcoc one Sunday afternoon in Georgetown shoot a very brief scene. Actually he never got out of his car, but there was a mob of people gathered to see The Master at work.

John Forstyhe sat at the curb on O St while a woman walks her dog and another actor comes out of a house carrying two suitcases. Forsythe was gracious and signed autographs. I got two shots of Hitch in his car from his right side, but you had to take my word for it that he was inside the car. Unfortunately, I lost the photos years ago.


Sorry to hear you lost the photos!

I live in Georgetown and would love to scout out the location you're referring to...Would you happen to recall where on O St. it was?


Even my memory dims after 35 years, but I think it was one or two blocks off Wisconsin Avenue.

If you are also an "Exorcist" fan I lived in Mount Rainier and went to St James on Rhode Island where the real life story occurred. I guess my parents shielded me from such things back then because I don't recall ever hearing about it until the book came out. Jimmy Dean and his band provided entertainment as a beer joint, but that's another story.

See you at the movies.
