This film takes place in 1962, at a point in which Soviet allies were providing Cuba with weapons to defend itself from the attacks of US sponsored terrorists and as a deterrant against future invasions. The US had by this point carried out 4 successful invasions of CUba(between 1898 and 1959) and one unsucessful attempt at the Bay of Pigs. How can it be understood as anything but propaganda to state that "the Russians have Cuba locked up" (as the american spy's wife does)? A whole genration of movie goers was brainwashed by this pseudo history and are now unable to conduct themselves properly in political debate. This handicap of the american babyboomers is due to such terribly untruthful statements flowing forth uncontested from Hollywood's best and worst films. This particular film is quite good. Yet it is so despite its shameless characterization of Cuban governmental officials as thugs and characterizing the Cold War in imbecile good v. evil terms. If anyoen has had Cuba locked up it has been the US through its murderous 40 year embargo. Stop murdering inocent civilians throughout the world and making movies which blame the victims of your crimes. Peace, if you let us.
Castro can end the embargo any time he wants to. All he has to do is allow free speech and free elections, like Gorby did in Russia. But he won't because it would be the end for him. He's willing to let his own people suffer just to keep himself in power, like Kim Jong Il in N. Korea. Castro plays an integral role in the drug trade, which has ruined countless blacks and Hispanics. He's killed more African-Americans than the Ku Klux Klan! It was through drugs that Castro raised the money he needed to buy weapons to overethrow Batista, and he's never stopped. The world almost went to nuclear war in 1962 thanks to Castro. In 1980, Castro removed his guards from the Peruvian Embassy. Within ONE hour, 10,000 Cubans dropped whatever they were doing and sought sanctuary. If Castro hadn't put his guards back up, the whole city would've de-populated, like East berlin did in 1989. That tells you a great deal about the quality of life in Cuba and what Cubans think of their dictator. The CIA should never have stopped trying to waste this creature. Incidentally, the Cold War was more good vs. evil than World war II. Stalin killed more people than Hitler, even put Hitler in power, and Mao killed more people that Hitler and Stalin put together, if only because there were more Chinese.
Funky history bro, you like James Bond? I am so sure you like James Bond, *beep* i could bet on it. Are you one of those freaky collectors with army flags and miniature planes? "It was through drugs that Castro raised the money", and i bet you are one of those flagrant idiots who thinks war makes you "tough", and that you explain the cold war in terms of communists vs. the free world. Ha ha ha, the balls. I got to give it to Americans, no other people in the history of the world have been as able to let their government murder millions of people while they pretend they didn't. Hey, i bet you think arabs are crazy and backwards. Ha ha ha. You people kill me, i haven't heard a more absurd doctrine since the Nazis. Are you one of those idiots who thinks its all right for Israel to have nuclear weapons but frowns upon crazies like Ahmenidejad (i always *beep* up his name) and Kim Jong Il from doing the same. Guess what, it makes no difference, only one government has proven to have so little regards for human life as to have used atomic weapons, TWICE. GUess what country that is, better than the daily double.
In 1989, Castro finally admitted, after decades of denial, that high-ranking members of his own govt. were involved in the drug traffic. Of course, he knew nuttin' about it, honest! When did the US ever murder "millions of people?" If Stalin killed more people than Hitler, and Mao killed more people than Hitler and Stalin put together(if only because there are more Chinese, than who is the real villain but socialism(Hitler, by the way, was a socialist). The Soviets have trained and armed genocidal regimes in Africa(Ethiopia, Angola, Uganda, Somalia, Ghana, Guinea, Libya, etc.); is SE Asia(Vietnam, Laos, China, Afghanistan), Latin America(Cuba, Nicaragua), and in Europe(Nazi Germany). China has practiced genocide in Tibet, against its Uighur citizens, and trained and armed a genocidal govt. in Cambodia. The use of atomic bombs in Japan actually saved human lives. If the bombs hadn't been dropped, Japan would never have surrendered.In that case, we would have had to invade Japan, the Japanese would've fought to the very last man like in Guadalcanal, a lot more American, British, and Aussie lives would've been lost, and Japan would not be the nation it is today. Neither would South Korea, which once belonged to Japan. Had it not been for the atomic bomb, the US and the USSR would've probably fought a conventional war, instead of a relatively peaceful Cold War. More lives saved by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Israel is a democratic nation, North Korea and Iran are dictatorships. That makes all the difference in the world. Democracies never start wars, only dictatorships do. You should get down on your knees and thank your Allah or whoever it is you worship for the US and Israel. If it weren't for them, you would not have an Internet to write your hate-filled screeds on. For that matter, you probably wqouldn't be alive today, either. Be grateful.
Funny, i should thank them for the internet. And for the thousands of indigenous people they killed in Nicaragua too.
But one thing strikes me as revealing of your character. You justify the murder of 150000 civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it saved the life of US and British soldier (with the added bonus of keeping the soviets out of the pacific theater).. admit it, US history simply has better PR. You guys are imperialists who kill any one who thinks differently. You always like to forget about the indian genocide, and stealing half of mexico, and murdering 4 million indochinese and conducting a war on the third world under the veneer of the cold war. Nothing more savage than a US marine, nothing more frequently seen in this past century than those vampires wantonly killing anyone they choose to be a tyrant. And so today, you say, but they only killed tyrants... why don't you start with the tyrants at home and stay out of our countries... out of our oil reserves... out of our banana fields. Keep your internet and your fries... we are happy healthy people in the third world, just hungry people who want to never see a marine or a whopper again in our lives. So, why dont you do your civic duty and put a leash on that rabid dog that is your army, and buckle down that vampire club you call corporations, and practice neoliberalism rather than imporsing it on third world countries... please keep you army of bloodthirsty simians with their hightech individual blitzkrieg equipment from touching one more arab girl, one more indian girl, one more third worlder. We might just react next time, and we will take back all that was taken away from us, all the way to the Mississippi.
Pre-Castro Cuba had one of the highest standards of living in the Western Hemisphere & one of the lowest infant death rates. There was freedom of the press and no one was risking drowning or getting eaten by sharks trying to leave Cuba.
The reason the US has suspended trade with Cuba was because Castro confiscated all US owned property on Cuban soil. This happened well before the Cuban Missle Crisis and the Bay of Pigs Invasion. In fact, President Eisenhower declined Dictator Batista's requests for military aid, thus aiding Castro. When Castro took power on New Year's day 1959, he was treated like a hero in the US media.
Castro even visited the US to welcoming crowds. This was before he declared that he was now and always had been a Marxist-Leninist.
It was Castro who initiated the bad blood between Cuba and the USA. Why did he do this? Because Castro had always dreamed of becoming the most influential figure in Latin America, not just Cuba. To do this he needed an enemy and the US, with it's history of interfering in various Latin American countries, fit the bill.
Since Castro has been in power, there has been no freedom of expression or media. No freedom of travel. No free elections. None of these things are caused by the US embargo.
By the way, the rest of the world is free to trade with Cuba.