MovieChat Forums > Topaz (1969) Discussion > The end (spoilers)

The end (spoilers)

So Andre exposed Jarre and Topaz, and that was the end of Topaz, but nobody got into serious trouble, am I right???



Depends on the ending you saw:

1. Hitchcock first filmed a duel(yes, a duel) with pistols between Andre and Granville(Topaz? no that was the name of the spy ring, yes?), and Granville was a crack shot guaranteed to kill a Soviet sniper killed Granville first.

2. Audiences laughed at the duel scene, so Hitchcock filmed the one with Granville boarding a flight to Russia. Granville and Andre weren't in serious trouble, but all those other people still died.

3. American audiences for the 1969 original release were given a patched-together ending, using previously filmed footage, a freeze-frame, and an off-screen gunshot: Granville, exposed, went into his apartment and shot himself.

Ending 2 seems to be in wide DVD/Cable circulation now.
