My review added here... 9/
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shareThanks for your comments. When I purchased and watched the extended DVD version several years ago I came away more forgiving. I had seen the movie in a theater in 1969 and just seemed to be missing something. The extended version made much more sense but still falls somewhat flat. Maybe it is the lack of major stars, or the dull leading ladies, inconclusive ending, and unispired music score, among other things. (I have my own post here of why Henry Mancini would have been a far better choice for the music score). Interesting to see their recreations of early 1960's fashion. That short airport corridor scene where Hitchcock makes his (silly) cameo, is full of people in various garb reflecting the mode of that era. I think it was a worthy attempt by Hitchcock that just ran out of steam, needed a better script and more emotional actors. His scathing portrayal of the Cuban leaders leaves no doubt as to where his sentiments lie. John Vernon as Rico Parra is brilliant, his best performance ever.
i agree with you on all your points, but still haven't reached your forgiving stance. i think i've watched it three or four times now and i just can't get into it. maybe in 10 years' time (",)
i think my DVD has a scene with some henry mancini music on the special features and i liked his music better too - more dramatic. (but apparently hitch thought it was too herrmann and said "if i wanted herrmann, i would have got herrmann". (or something)
i must rewatch the airport scene because i'm always interested in the period fashions.
Yes, Vernon is very good in this film . . . and Karen Dor so nice to look at . . . read the novel . . . it is most different from the film . . .