Thank you!
Well, there they are, for all to see.
That duel ending is really godawful...moreso in the "set up scene" at the apartment with the family than in the well filmed, tense and elegant duel scene itself.
Still, the whole idea is atrocious: Andre is basically saying "I discovered the I will let him kill me" and no manner of dialogue ("He'd only get me some other way") can cover up the insane stupidity of this ending. I can't believe that Hitchocck put all the time and effort into filming both the set-up scene and the "on location" outdoor scene at the ...race track?
Had this scene gone out with Topaz, I daresay it would have been known as "the worst scene Alfred Hitchcock ever filmed" (some say that is the shrink scene in Psycho, but not I. I write about THAT at the Psycho board.)
But the duel scene never went out with any print of the movie. Thank God.
I guess the airport scene got released somewhere. It is nowhere near as stupid as the duel scene, but it is frustrating (the bad guy just GETS AWAY?) and banal ("Well, that's the end of Topaz.")
Even "cobbled together" (from earlier footage of Phillipe Noiret going through a door, not Michel Piccoli), the suicide "scene" is logical(unlike the duel) and satisfying(unlike the airport scene.) And to beef the scene up, they do add dissolves to the tragic tortures and killings that the movie has already shown us...leading up to a more bitter version of the headline "Cuban Missile Crisis Over" and the Arch de Triumphe in the background(as a heavyset man who looks a bit like Hitchcock walks with another man towards it.)
I saw Topaz first run at Christmas, 1969 and I found the suicide ending to be abrupt (the movie is OVER?) and disappointing (no chase across the Eiffel Tower like Mount Rushmore.) But i also found it to be logical.
I had no idea then of the duel scene or the airport scene. Nor did I , for decades.
It was probably better than way.