Shirley MacLaine was so ripped off of an Oscar nomination
Say what you want about the quality of the plot; it's not my favorite musical since it drags after the first half (the three best songs and most of the music are all early on).
But this has to be one of the biggest snubs in the history of the Oscar acting nominations ever. She sang, she danced, she laughed, she cried; MacLaine brought so much energy, passion, even nuance to a dynamic -- but in the wrong hands, broad -- role. No one else could have brought the same mixture of all those ingredients, including sass and vulnerability. The character itself may not seem that deep, but it's also a fantastic star turn.
Was it not subtle enough for the Academy's taste? Simply a musical they didn't love? I have yet to see Anne of the Thousand Days, but I plan on it soon, because I have a feeling Genevieve Bujold was just carried along by that film's overall popularity. Jean Simmons's nomination also seems like more of a comeback award to a hardworking actor with a long career than a recognition of a particularly great performance or character. Haven't seen enough of Liza Minnelli's movie to tell, but she seemed very interesting in a rare dramatic turn, even if she was really playing herself. And Jane Fonda was astounding, no arguments there.
All that said, the movie's ending really is AWFUL. The last half is so haphazard as it is, and it all leads up to torture for the viewer. Oscar sucked anyway.