A sweet, sad film

I've seen TSC many times over the last thirty-odd years, and always find it moving. I certainly believe Minnelli's Pookie is her best performance on film. There's some gentle humor and sweet scenes -- like the one in which Jerry and Pookie first make love -- but the movie has what I guess I'd call an air of impending -- no, not quite tragedy, but sadness. Sweet sadness, if that makes sense.

My two cents, anyway:) --



Cuckoo BIRDS..........


DoDo BIRDS............

Sadly some of us will always be seen as STERILE in their SKYPE/EYES!!!!

We all can't be the "LIFE OF THE PARTY"--Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman(not as many as LIZ T. but the bird tried & we all can't be RELATED to someone who was able to get an ARAB SHEIKH to PUT A RING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

You will do & say anything
To make your everday life
Seem less mundane





I totally agree with your take. I saw this many years ago when it came out, and I still remember the very sad and poignant feeling it gave. The song Come Saturday Morning always brings back that feeling. Definitely a great performance by Liza Minnelli.
