At Long Last!

I really bugged my mates about this film. I must have kept going on about it for a fair few years. You all know the story "I watched this film when i was a kid, its about a plane that crashes in the desert and they end up all being ghosts". They just kept laughing at me and told me to stop going on.
All i can say is i have found it at long last...HURRRAHHH!!!!!
I even managed to get a dvd copy of it (which was advertised on here, Its not the best copy of a movie in the world but i would definately recomend it. I got the movie sent half way round the world to the UK, many thanks Nick.
Watching it for the 1st time as an adult it was even better than i remembered. This is a MUST see film.
Why has this film never been made availible on VHS/DVD? Why has it never been re run on the BBC,ITV,CH4 or even CH5? Why not on the SCI-FI channel? Those people in charge just dont realise they are sitting on a huge cult classic.
A old classic that deserves a 10 out 10 rating!


I was going nuts trying to think of this one too! I must have seen it three times at least on ITV as a kid, it was one of those films that was on quite a bit back then. I do NOT remember it being called "Sole Survivor" or anything remotely like it. I have been telling people for years about it and calling it "Flight of the Pheonix"!!!




I saw its' first showing on TV in 1970 as a teen, and it was called "Sole Survivor". You totally mixed it up with a movie about a plane crashing and dudes trying to fix the plane, I think he was a German dude. That is so far from this movie, but if you went to video stores looking for it, that Flight of the Phoenix was all they had about plane crashes. I knew it wasn't the right movie.
