At Long Last!
I really bugged my mates about this film. I must have kept going on about it for a fair few years. You all know the story "I watched this film when i was a kid, its about a plane that crashes in the desert and they end up all being ghosts". They just kept laughing at me and told me to stop going on.
All i can say is i have found it at long last...HURRRAHHH!!!!!
I even managed to get a dvd copy of it (which was advertised on here, Its not the best copy of a movie in the world but i would definately recomend it. I got the movie sent half way round the world to the UK, many thanks Nick.
Watching it for the 1st time as an adult it was even better than i remembered. This is a MUST see film.
Why has this film never been made availible on VHS/DVD? Why has it never been re run on the BBC,ITV,CH4 or even CH5? Why not on the SCI-FI channel? Those people in charge just dont realise they are sitting on a huge cult classic.
A old classic that deserves a 10 out 10 rating!