MovieChat Forums > Sole Survivor (1970) Discussion > Confirmation needed, please

Confirmation needed, please

Okay, if this is the movie I'm thinking of, I must have seen the original airing when I was a kid. Totally freaked me out, in a good way of course. For the past ten years or so, I've been trying to figure out what this movie was called. Thanks to the Internet my search may be over. Please let me know if this is the movie I'm thinking of:

I can remember a lot of things vividly about the movie I'm thinking of:

- Plane crashed in desert
- "Survivors" (soldiers) realize that their actually ghosts (i.e., dead)
- They play baseball, but realize they can only move a certain distance away from where their actual bodies lie.
- Recovery team starts finding them and burying them.
- Once their buried, the ghosts go away (something about resting in peace)
- One of the guys was in the tail section of the plane when it crashed, so the recovery team doesn't find him and it looks like he is going to be alone in the desert as a ghost forever. Or do they find him finally at the end? That's the part I can't remember. Don't tell me though, just tell me if this is that movie. :-) I don't want the ending spoiled, but I need to know if this is that movie so I can go get it.

Please advise.



Yes, that is correct, I saw the movie as a teenager, it is totally a classic and fore-runner for all that has come since. The original movie was shown in 1970. It is a movie you can never forget.


You are quite right........ Sole Survivor is the film you are describing.
Like everybody else I saw the movie whilst a kid and it made a deep impression, so much so that until a few months ago when I to tried here and found out the title, I was sure I had made the whole thing up.!
Getting hold of a copy of the film proved a bit harder.
Due to the age of the movie it never made onto DVD only VHS, if you are in the USA then there are a few people selling it but want $15-$20.
If, like me, you are in the UK then it's worse.
I have only found one person selling copies on Ebay for £6.50
I got one from him and it was still as good as I remembered it.



There's a company called that sells this movie on DVD. It's recorded from a TV broadcast, but the commercials are edited and it's fairly good quality.



It appears not, did you actually see it for sale there?


I have a copy on DVD...and it is as good as you remember it...I won't sell the movie, but I would consider trades.


That's the same movie. I won't tell you the ending but what I remember is that he is under the tail section. He was standing under it (for shade, probably), when it broke off and crushed him. I think most of the crew survive the crash landing but die of thirst/starvation.
