Yup, you got me there. I'm not a scientist. There again, this is science fiction, so maybe pure science isn't entirely applicable.
Anyway, it all depends on how you read the concept.
In the original story, aliens were using the enhanced humans as invaders, and were constantly tinkering with their make-up, mental and physical, to meet new challenges.
This isn't brought out in Wicking's version, wherein (IMO) you can choose to believe that the creatures are i) man-made, in the sense that they were created by "us", but are now controlling their own destinies, or ii) a sort of evolutionary jump, already possessed of superior mental attributes, who have no compunction about using "us" as limb and organ banks to improve their own stock.
I think both ideas work. I favour the latter simply because the story makes no reference to the creatures' creation by humans - even Price's character reveals himself to be synthetic, and I think this ambiguity was deliberate on Wicking's part.
"Duck, I says..."