The Title

User Hal-900 in Washington state wrote in his IMDB review "And I still have not figured out the film's title."

It's quite simple. The first scream is the scream of a victim when he discovers his right limb has been amputated. The second scream is when he discovers the next day that his left leg has been amputated.

And there you have it: Scream and Scream Again. Which was shortened from the original title: Scream, Scream, Scream, and Scream Again.

Or it could've just been named after the cheesy song performed by the Amen Corner.



That is indeed the reason for the chosen title, but it remains a daft title for this kind of film.

"Scream And Scream Again" conjours up an image of an old haunted house, probably owned by Christopher Lee, and Madilene Smith turns up with Ralph Bates.

It is NOT an appropiate title for this under-rated bizarre horror/sci-fi/conspiracy movie. The film resembled a big-screen version of The Avengers episode The Cybernauts and a similar title would've been much more fitting - "The Composits" doesn't sound quite right though.

"I'm inuspeptic, frasmotic, even compunctious to have caused you such pericumbobulations."



I agree that "Scream and Scream Again" is a little too "old school" for this film, in addition to being rather clunky. (Why not just "Scream Repeatedly" if they're going that route?)

Maybe something a bit more abstract like "The Harvest"? That title would be used much later for a film on organ harvesters.


Anything's better than the title of the original novel: "The Disorientated Man".
I like titles that don't let on what the movie's about. Mind you, even after you've seen it, you still won't know.

"Make me a baby!
Make me a star!
Leave my coffin slightly ajar!"
- Lesley Gore


Well, in Germany they tried to sell it as a movie belonging to the Dr Mabuse franchise


I would suggest:

'The Flesh Hunters' or 'The Blood Hunters'
