It Had Me Until the Ending (Spoilers)
Not sure about the acidic lemon twist garnish on the narrative which came across as ironic for the sake of irony to really stick it to the characters.
And it washed away the human element which had been established up until that point with each human being shown as being a human and not just a role and with extreme skill and sincerity of both thought and emotion by everyone involved in the production.
When irony nailed the story closed it removed the level eye to eye look of the film which never looked down at its characters or even askance at who they are, or what they are doing: almost never found in American cinema.
This pulling back irony at the end and from above brings in a judgment of “this kind of person” is doing something to “that kind of person” and isn’t it all very tragic? Not needed. Almost felt like sarcasm. Disappointing.
Maybe the point of the movie: Archetypes can only be rebelled against, not improved, or changed. If this is the case: it could and should have been noted in a different way when the rest of the film was sublime to the max.
The acting was sterling across the board. Especially Duvall, stunning; his finest naturalistic performance of this era this side of his wonderful performance in Tomorrow.