Mary McGregor - Spoiler Request

Last night I was able to view the beginning and end of the movie. I missed the middle and was wondering what happened to the character of Mary McGregor. Several posts alluded to her but nothing specific. What happened? Please spoil me!


I may not recall the specifics 100% accurately, but the gist of what happened to Mary is that Miss Brodie encouraged her to be a hero and join her (Mary's) rebel brother in Spain, where Mary was killed when a bomb blew up the train she was traveling on. (None of this was shown, but was spoken about by other characters.)


Watch ALL of the movie for goodness sake - it will NOT be time wasted!


That's only part of it. In the end she was taking the train to the wrong side of the war. Her brother's people killed her.

Random Thoughts:


It would had been if the film had opened up to show the events regarding Mary.

Its that man again!!


It's been a VERY long time, but in the book, Mary joined the WRNS (the women's branch of the Royal Navy) and died in a hotel fire, apparently panicking about which exit to use, running back and forth, which was a reflection of a similar incident that happened in the science lab at school.
