Calling all Scots
I wonder how you would rate the various attempts at Scottish accents by the non-Scottish performers. (Gordon Jackson, Rona Anderson, Margo Cunningham, Isla Cameron and Mollie Weir, at least, were genuine Scots.)
(One of the reviewers said they were terrible, as did a Scottish lady I asked. When I asked her about Maggie Smith, she said, "She was all right," though perhaps she just didn't want to disillusion me. (I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it if she had.))
I'm a non-Scot, but I could sometimes tell when Pamela Franklin's and Celia Johnson's native English accents came through. (They both dropped a few r's, for example, though so did Gordon Jackson, at least.) I thought some of Ms. Johnson's a's sounded more American than Scottish (in the words "fantasies" and "demanding," for example). None of this mattered to me. I still thought they were both fantastic (the actresses, not the a's).
Curious to hear your opinions. Thanks.