Couple in the diner

What exactly was going on in the scene with the couple in leather coats who enter the diner and take a photo of Joe Buck and hand him the flyer? Were they just randomly looking for people to invite to the party?


Kind of bizarre scene for sure. I thought the lady was going to put a dead mouse in her food and get it free, but the mouse looked fake.


<< Were they just randomly looking for people to invite to the party?>>

Yes. They were Hansel and Gretel McAllister, brother and sister, and were planning a party at their loft in Greenwich Village. They apparently roamed the city looking for interesting or eccentric characters to invite.


Those are two different scenes. Hansel and Gretel in the diner took the pictures and the other pair unfortunately look like mother and son with the fake mouse in a cafeteria. Poor Joe doesn't know what to make of them.


I recently read a biography on Andy Warhol. What Hansel and Gretel did in the diner was a common practice among his group. From what I read, the party scene was spot on.
