Midnight Cowboy Trivia
Here are a few questions for those that have seen this umpteen times.
1. What is "Rico" holding in the condemned apartment that he can't open?
2. What song is Joe singing in the opening sequence while taking a shower?
3. What name does "sweetheart" call Rico in the bar when Rico calls "him" a *beep*
4. Why can't Joe watch TV in the hotel room when he first arrives?
5. What song is playing on the radio when Joe and Rico are trying to keep warm in the room?
6. What business did Joe's grandmother, Sally Buck, have?
7. What did Rico's father do for a living that eventually killed him?
8. How much did Joe charge to service the rich lady from the party?
9. Did Joe actually kill "Towny?"
10. On the bus to NY Joe asks an old timer if he knew an old friend of his grandmother's. What was the guy's name?