watching this movie in 2015 vs 1969
i had seen bits & pieces of this movie before but finally sat & watched all of it tonight. Over the years, the impression i got of it was that it was violent & explicit. Viewing it tonight it didn't strike me as overly so in either department.
Then it occurred to me that watching it now would be very different to when it was released in 1969 or even 10 years later in 1979. I imagine back in its day it would be rather shocking to people especially those who had not seen much of the seedier side of big city life. This film was pre 'Straw Dogs' 'Looking for Mr. Goodbar', 'Scarface', 'the Exorcist', 'the Godfather'. Those films i mention because they also had a reputation for being quite explicit for their day, even perhaps a first of their kind.
So did anyone here see this back in 1969 & how did you feel about it back then? Has your view changed with subsequent viewings? Do you remember what others said about it including the media?