Vaccaro not Miles

Brenda Vaccaro should have been nominated for supporting actress, not Sylvia Miles.


How come? She really didn't have the material to work with for an Oscar.


Fair, but neither did Miles.


Miles made her material exceptional; that's the magic of it, and why she was nominated. But even if Miles was not nominated, which other nominees were lesser than Brenda's?

Last Summer: Catherine Burns
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice: Dyan Cannon
Midnight Cowboy: Sylvia Miles
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?: Susannah York



Miles was excellent in her small cameo and was very memorable, however, there are 2 unnominated performances from the same film, that I think were just as deserving, even more so: Pamela Franklin and Celia Johnson from THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


I think Sylvias performance was better than Brendas.But Brenda is very cute and sexier than Sylvia.
Great movie. Sad ending for Joe.But i always loved the fact that he found in New York AT LEAST ONE woman who paid for his service.
