So people who masturbate are physically attracted to their hands? People who resort to blow-up dolls necessarily have a fetish for plastic dolls?
Come on Mr. Ed! Pardon the pun. Do you really think that when a guy jerks off, they are lusting after their hand? They may like the sensation it presents; but what is the mind doing? It is more than likely fantasizing about who it wants to have sex with. There may be a fine line; but I see 'sex' and f^@k!n@ as not quite one and the same. They could be mutually exclusive, if you take penetration or climax out of the picture. f^@k!n@ is more about a base 'animal' action and looking for a quick release, whereas 'sex' is more about the whole and revelling in what it can entail. It might be blowing in a persons ear and staring into their eyes. It might be about the feet the legs the hands and just touch.
If a so-called 'straight' guy is going to 'f^@k' another guy, just for a 'situational' outlet, that is base and animal. And guess what, he is not 'fully' straight either. A 100% genuine 'straight' guy, is NOT going to want to fornicate with another male.
This isn't about me or about you.
Of course it is. It is about human 'sexual' behavior we are discussing and you are part of the human race aren't you? I have commented that I 'wouldn't' be-able to have sex with a female, as a 'genuine' 'gay' guy; even if the 'situation' presented itself; but you 'haven't' commented if you would be-able to have sex with another 'male', if you were feeling horny and in a 'situational' position where only males were around. This is your point, you have brought up. Is that because of the 'negative' stigma that gets placed on 'homosexual' activity, because it is not the 'accepted' norm in society? What would people think?
Joe Buck did what he did, because he could and while he may have looked nervous about it, it wasn't a problem for him. Now, the kid he picked up was 'gay'; but Joe Buck was 'bisexual', because he CHOSE to hustle his a$$ when he could have been washing dishes. The film doesn't show any other sexual encounters he had with males; but it alluded that he may have had more male clients, just before he went to give blood.
Some people have very strong sex drives, and if you deprive them of their preferred partners, they can engage in sex and perform with people (or animals, or inanimate objects) that they have no attraction to.
My case in point. They should have a w@^k then. Base, animalistic attitude and behavior.
....a lot of heterosexual men will have sex with women who they find ugly when all of the attractive ones are taken. Presumably a lot of homosexual men will do the same with ugly male partners when nothing better is available.
Who knows what the attraction, desire and need is for each individual. I have found some men, who I may have found 'undesirable' on first meetings and then gotten to know them better and have changed my stance on how I feel about them physically. It depends on ones notion of 'ugly' too, as that can be subjective. I can't speak for a 'heterosexual' male; but I have been attracted to many men, that have been with women that I would deem 'average' or 'ugly' and wonder why they would even want to go there. Lets face it, women aren't always the more 'attractive' sex, just by virtue of their 'softer' gender and what our gynocentric society promotes and wants us to believe. Physical attraction is fluid for many different reasons and like I have mentioned earlier, is it 'sex' or 'f^@k!n@ one is after. Maybe a bit of both; but the desire for a person and their own orientation is innate. That includes 'bisexuality'.
I suppose that my understanding of homosexuality is no worse or no better than your understanding of heterosexuality. You don't have to be something in order to understand it, otherwise male writers or filmmakers wouldn't be able to create convincing female fictional characters or vice-versa.
See, this is where the line blurs. We are all a byproduct of 'heterosexual' breeding and each of us, whether male or female, have aspects of both genders within us. Much of how we are supposed to behave or what is expected of us, is a conditioning that can get imposed onto us. It is 'sissy' and 'girly', for a little boy to play with girls, yet he is then expected to make a lifelong partner and friend out of a female, when he is older. Girls may not generally like to play with boys, because they are 'icky', yet are needy for them, when they get older. Go figure!
I would say, human 'sexuality' is about evolving and I may be biased here, but I do see 'homosexuality' as a more 'advanced' form of sexuality. If a male can embrace his own gender and fully appreciate it and physically share and express that with another man, then I would say the masculine and feminine qualities within him, are either more balanced, or more in tune with his own maleness and being. It can bring out the best of both masculine\feminine qualities, therefore more advanced internally and within his nature. The 'physical' sexual aspect of 'heterosexual' male\female sex, I see as quite feeble and anemic in comparison. This form of sexuality, has the masculine\feminine qualities expressed externally and is not completely 'whole'. Whatever turns one on, I suppose.