Jennifer Salt

It was interesting seeing her in a nubile (albeit damaged/trampy) role such as Crazy Annie considering just a few years later she would perfect the nosy, pain in the ass New Yorker type in Sisters. I enjoyed her on Soap, in the weirdly fascinating Gargoyles and was sorry to see her recede from the spotlight. I think it is cool that she is so well-respected as a writer now and I enjoyed her Nip/Tuck episodes. I imagine that her father was Waldo Salt is why she was cast in MC, but I think she held her own in a role that was completely depicted as Joe's memories of her.


Where was she in this movie?


Many of the texas flashbacks - in the movie theatre, making out with joe in the car, etc. She's Crazy Annie.


Jennifer's primary line (if not her only line) in the film was, "Joe, you're the only one", which she repeated many times during flashbacks.


She was also Voight's real life girlfriend at the time of filming.


you think her acting is that good? I don't know, in Sisters, it seemed like she was "showing" us her performance


Salt's father also wrote the screenplay of Midnight Cowboy.
