Who goes to NY with 100 bucks in their pocket?
Let's look at Joe's finances. He gives Cass the $20; he gives Ratso another $20. He pays for his room for a week, which must have been, what? Another $60? $100, tops? And now he's completely tapped out, flat broke and busted.
I mean, he gets this idea in his head somehow that there are plenty of rich bored women in Manhattan, waiting to be serviced, and that he's going to start servicing them. Mind you, this is with absolutely no experience doing this before; he just decides that this is the way for him, how he's gonna make a huge, life-changing score.
Yes, I know there actually ARE people that do this. But it just seems so over-the-top stupid, y'know? As in, "so stupid that they couldn't possibly function in society" stupid.
Why would someone ever do this? He had a steady job; you could live off of a minimum wage job back then (as opposed to now). There weren't any "precipitating events" pushing him out of Texas. So where does he all of a sudden get this urge to up and leave?
I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.