Is it Just Me or...

Well, I liked this movie. *** 7/8 out 0f 5 starts. It is pretty good. After I saw this and watched the new version of The Mummy (Brendan Fraser) I couldn't help but get over how they both have similar endings. In certain areas really similar. Does anyone else agree?



yeah you are right. I liked this movie. Pretty entertaining stuff.


Yes, I agree. This was a great western!

Come on Warner Bros, give us our Blade Runner Special Edition


I saw it in 70mm when it came out. Just got a new front projector and the dvd looks great on a 6 foot wide screen. The rear projection process shots looked bad in 70 mm and they still look bad now. But I still enjoy thes film.



I am a Western film aficianado and this movie is best.




I saw this in our school as a kid on the big screen. Yes, bad back projection, questionable camera effects, still love this movie, and what a cast.


it reminded me of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


Yes it's a real "quest for the ultimate goal" type of adventure :-)


I personally loved the opening shots of this film with the eagle flying over the mountains. The song by Jose Feliciano isn't too bad either.
Mommy to two little monsters


Well, personally, I really hated the "Turkey Buzzard" song. Not a great subject for an opener. That was my first giggle.

And it went on way too long. That was my first frown.

What really got me about the song was how poorly the lyrics were written. Being able to say "Hey, it rhymes!!" is not enough.

The song is a fairly slow ballad, but about every 8th line, the singer has to rapid fire spit out double the syllables.

A five-minute rewrite would have really helped.

Despite the phethora of stars in this film, I'm watching it to see Lurch.

So you can judge my taste accordingly.


I love Lurch! He is great.

The Divine Genealogy Goddess


With all the mention of Indiana Jones, one has to remember that George Lucas participated in this film, albeit just a student, but making suggesting and some of them being used.

I would categorize this as a goofy Western, yet found it a lot more entertaining than many others of its kind during this period. Remember, this was a time when Hollywood thought it was "neat" idea to put pro football stars into Westerns like 100 RIFLES with Jim Brown and Raquel Welch and THE UNDEFEATED with two LA Rams, Merlin Olson and Roman Gabriel - as John Wayne's adopted Indian son!!! It was Westerns like those that I found just as goofy, and goofy!


Now that i think about they do have similar endings.

Anyway, I loved McKenna's Gold when I was little. Saw it first time on a Saturday afternoon showing after cartoons. They usually showed 2 Westerns back then after cartoons on one of channels. I havent seen it in like 15 years until last night turning channels and catch only the last 10 minutes. Anyhow, I think I got an old VHS tape of it from taping it 15 years ago (maybe). I might look for that this weekend.

Definitely my favorite Western not starring John Wayne or Jimmy Stewart.


Pity they got a bit confused about the sun rise shadow. Shouldn't the shadow become shorter as it rose in the morning?


Colorado, played by Omar Sharif seems like a character that Indiana Jones would encounter in an adventure. I can certainly imagine a great fight scene between Harrison Ford as Indy and Omar Sharif as Colorado.


Yes,I agree with you regarding camera angles etc.but the natural beauty of the American Southwest is difficult to ruin....a bit choppy...cast lost with fair script.A bit of poor spicing...I love my Westerns super-duper and no comedy.
Worst TV Western ever?Laredo with the great Neville Brand COMEDY?


