Nude swimming scene
Does anyone know if Julie Newmar was doing her own swimming sans clothing or was it a body double?
shareDoes anyone know if Julie Newmar was doing her own swimming sans clothing or was it a body double?
shareYes it was really Julie. I own the Playboy where they did a pictorial of her in the movie, and it's clearly her.
shareI'm confused. There are two female swimmers, one white, one Indian. Please identify the actresses for me.
shareJulie Newmar played the Indian..very nicely :-)
I was curious too having just watched the dvd again. Julie Newmar is fantastic. And she had that bad girl thing. Meow.
The scene itself reminds me of Maureen O'sullivan's scene in Tarzan and his mate. Though Maureen disputedly used a body double.
Nude? She was clearly wearing a body stocking!
shareClearly? I just watched this last night, I didn't see any body stocking. Most of the nudity was underwater, and the water wasn't very clear, so maybe that's why it looked like a body stocking. But when she gets up out of the water, she is clearly nude.
shareOh yeah, I remember that issue. She be real fine looking!
shareShe was the only reason to watch this movie. Writing, horrible, editing horrible, directing, horrible.
Ted Cassidy was good too.
I quite agree. In fact, I just finished a review of this film that should be posted in the next day or so titled, "A Western SO Bad It Defies The Laws Of Physics". In it, I make the point that Newmar's silent role was the best thing the director did, especially if you've ever seen Newmar in roles where she SPEAKS. I also make the point that, despite her and Cassidy's performances, the idea of six-foot or taller Apaches is unbelievsbly ludicrous if you've ever actually MET any REAL Apaches.
shareI believe there is General Agreement that she is and was the best thing in this movie. What a waste of great supporting actors.
shareAmen! I only know ONE over six-foot Apache, and she's also one very attractive woman. The rest are all average height, at best.
"It's a hard country, kid."
the idea of six-foot or taller Apaches is unbelievsbly ludicrous if you've ever actually MET any REAL Apaches.
According to a current Trivia in imdb, it was her alright.
shareJulie Newmar was incredibly hot as the vengeful Apache girl Heshe-ke. She was clearly one of the most memorable things about this movie!
I remmber when this movie came out and the Julie Newmar nude swimming scene was a big deal. Back then "name" actresses weren't commonlu doing nude scenes; and while Ms. Newmar mightn't have been the biggest star in the Hollywood firmament, she was pretty well known, especially from her "Catwoman" gig on BATMAN. PLAYBOY even noted the scene with stills, including Ms. Newmar arrising wet and naked from the water. If that was a body-stocking, it was the most realistic, life-like, seamless body-stocking ever made and deserved an Oscar for Best Special Effect.