Edit: HD of MG: A note on the aspect ratios of the Pan and Scan version
an HD version that looked cleaned up, and was shown 1.75 shows (after credits) in the MULTUPLEX Library-They also had an HD of THE MOTORMAN PROPHECIES-possibley BR of both sometimes soon
Nope this is NOT a goof up
Many films shot widescreen splash much of the films info, title, stars and credits across the whole 2.35 screen.
when shown on television and cut to 1.33, many names and titles would be lopped off on either side;
PLUS union rules dictate that the titles and workers on a film must have their names 'visible'
Since squashing the screen to fit on Tee Vee would look weird or make the films info unreadable
usually the first minute or two and the last 1-5 minutes are allowed to remain/revert to widescreen
When at the front of a movie-they will keep it widescreen until the first scene ends, then BANG! 1.33 aspect ratio-they don't just cut to 1.33 right after the "Directed by" goes away
Like wise they are also required to show all credits at the end not be cut off, so the last scene in a film will revert to widescreen (2.35) until the end