Major Ivan Hurst of the british army is considered mostly responsible for the rebirth of the beetle.
So true!
Ferdinand Porsche creative genius from Austria designed the Beetle and worked out its engine and structure etc.
Major Ivan Hurst was responsible for headlining its important revival after the war during 1946 and the British occupation of Germany, while managing the Wolfburg factories and getting them ready for 'war reparations' originally when he had discovered the KDF-Wagens car in storage along with several prototypes of earlier designs. And thus realised that the factory could be used for producing cars for the British Army! Which later became his dream of an automotive business that he would run after the war ended, when he went back into civilian life, seeing as he was an engineer initially prior to serving up during the outbreak of the war.
Heinrich Nordhoff; the President of Volkswagen, was thirdly responsible in VW Bettle's history, for mass producing the VW Beetles in Germany once the cars were made out to the civilians after the war, with the idea of retro-upgrading them over time at affordable prices considering the war. Improving the car's underpinnings while keeping the stylings the vehicle more or less the same even when innovations were thrust upon car designs and racially altering them. The VW Beetle kept its 'Type-1' design for generations, while only adding and upgrading any necessary or creative car modifications to its original model of design over time.
The rest is history.
So what if Hitler commissioned the car, he didn't design it, nor build it himself. And he wouldn't have called it a Volkswagen but a; 'KDF-Wagen', as most VW enthusiasts know as solid facts relating to the car original history. Ferdinand Porsche was ashamed himself to be associating with Hitler at the time too, but obviously couldn't show it while living and working in Germany and suffered for his associations with Hitler while being commisioned to build the VW Beetle under the Nazi's (who controlled Germany throughout most of WW2) when he was arrested and imprisoned in France (without trial). When he was finally released later. He had to rebuild his life and return to his business. It can be argued Ferdinand Porsche suffered unfairly by the French for even accepting the commission from Hitler to build the Volkswagen Beetle when the Nazi's were in power. Despite all that, history says people still made the choice to buy the car, not because of who commisioned it. But because they loved the car outright because it was very affordable, was efficiently built and made and people wanted the drive the vehicle anyhow.
Ferdinand Porsche, Major Ivan Hurst and Heinrich Nordhoff are responsible for VW Beetle mark in history. Hitler merely did what some German businessman, car dealership owners or rich and powerful entrepreneurs would've done exactly the same thing in the right given situation at the same time. Its only that he did during the Nazi's regime of Germany that he holds a place in its history books.
Nonetheless, the Volkswagen has remained a favourite car for many motorists throughout the world for generations over the decades, with nobody at all thinking of Adolf Hitler in their freedom driving a bug.
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