This movie blow's!!!!!

Even the so called car chase scene is crap!!!
It isn't worth callin it a chase scene its more of a bananna splits drive around!!


You just ain't got sufficient class to appreciate style when you see it.

"You ain't the devil. I saw the devil on TV last night, and he had a English accent."


ya, it "blow's", ya....
learn to spell first....Mr. Big Movie Critic..

"...Pierce,there is a fine line between fun and imbecility, and you just pole-vaulted over it..."



Yes because us Brits have more taste and sorry but did the buggies used in 'The Banana Splits' win the Monte Carlo Rally 4 times outright, or get owned by all the top rock and film stars plus Royalty? Or even get voted as the greatest car of all time?

No, I didn't think so and neither did that fat hatchback that BMW are trying to market as a Mini.

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"


I am British....and this movie still blow's!


Then you should really be ashamed of yourself and go jump in the sea and drown!

Anyway this film is so insanely entertaining and I really wish my 'MySpace' page was similarly insane, or is it anyway?: -

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"


If you don't like this film, then fair enough, that's your opinion. But why come onto the board if you don't like it? I don't like loads of films, so I don't go on their boards just to post "I hate this film". If you want to point out flaws or weaknesses in this film, then fine - people would be glad to hear your points and add their own reasons and responses (unless they are idiots who can't stand opinions contrary to their own, but thankfully most people aren't like that).

Personally, I think The Italian Job (this one, the 1996 one) is a great film. Not my favourite, that's Monty Python's Life of Brian (utterly superb!), but still a great film, and a reminder of how it used to be possible to be patriotically British, before it became almost a crime to love england.


Hey don't forget there's more to Britain than just England and even us Welsh love the original 1969 version of 'The Italian Job'.

Even the Welsh rock band the 'Stereophonics' did their own music video dedicated to it back in 1999: -


Nice! I didn't know they were Welsh. Cheers!


(unless they are idiots who can't stand opinions contrary to their own, but thankfully most people aren't like that).

I wouldn't say that if i were you. More than half of the people who post on these bourds are people who can't stand other people having an opinion different from their own, and they also don't have the reasoning or the intelectual capacity to form a reasened argument or debate, or even to express their own opinion in a mature maner.


Well, I'm neither British, nor Welsh, and I love the movie.

Sure, it's silly, trite, and quite predictable, but we ARE talking about 1969 here!

Besides, everyone knows that the REAL stars were the red white and blue Austin Cooper S's.....


Morris Mini Maniac, Melboune....

"The Opener of the Way is Waiting"


Bless you anubis-45.


It appears that you do not have the intellectual capacity to form a reasoned argument or debate on these boards (come on, it says that one at the top of the page) because you clearly cannot spell. Why should I take you seriously if you can't form proper sentences?


I can't agree with your opinion because I like the movie, but your bananna splits analogy does describe the movie well, kudos on that.

It's a funny, silly movie, how can you not like that? You've grown too serious about life and need to reconnect with your younger, more fun loving self.


classic one of my favorite movies


Yes and so do you....


Your use of apostrophes and exclamation marks blows.
