MovieChat Forums > The Italian Job (1969) Discussion > Turin place where director stayed?

Turin place where director stayed?

Does anyone know the name of the residence where Peter Collinson stayed in Turin during filming? I think it is near the Villa Della Regina (the hideout). I have a feeling the black and white Beckerman section was filmed there. I will be in Turin on 24th March 2010 to check it out. I also want to find the 'police station' where the fat lady and Professor Peach were taken to. Any ideas?

Thanks for any help.


Well these website might offer some help?: -


Fantastic first website you pointed me to. Thank you Taffy!


Thanks Taffy, that first link is great!

Happiness is a belt-fed weapon.


Hi John,

The address for the "Police Station" is Via Corso Vinzaglio 10.

This address was also used for the films production office.

Will be there is July taking a Tour.

Have also located the electrical sub station that Michael Caine throws his push bike at.

As well as the Hotel the film crew stayed at during filming.

Steve Edmonds

Italian Job Tour Organiser.



The 'Police Station' is not at that place. I was there this March. Questura is there, but the plaque on the wall on the film is fake. We think it is a church - but how many churches are there in Turin???

I photographed the electrical substation in March - see my Webshots pages (last picture in the Italian Job Alps section).

I also know the hotels used in Aosta and Turin thanks.


My movie location pictures are at .....


Thanks for the great shots. I especially like the split screen then/now pics you have posted.

I envy you and thank you for the great pics you've posted and the effort that went into them!

Man without relatives is man without troubles. Charlie Chan


Webshots has been bought out, everyone who uses the site has to transit over to the new site. Please keep us posted on where we can see your great pics in the future.

"if it was any good they'd have made an American version by now." Hank Hill
