Racist toward Italians?

When the Mafia confront Charlie and the gang in Italy and threaten to kill them, Charlie responds by saying: "There are a quarter of a million Italians in Britain and they'll be made to suffer. Every restaurant, cafe, ice-cream parlor, gambling den and nightclub in London, Liverpool and Glasgow will be smashed."

Considering the light tone that the film had established up to this point, it made me cringe to hear Michael Caine threatening civil violence against an ethnic population. Not one of the finer points of the film, I think.



Jesus Christ! Get a life!

So a top gangster threatening to smash an ice-cream stall makes you cringe? You can't see many films, I think. Most films have actual violence (not just threats like from a 10-year old), and how should a threat by a gangster be then? "I will never go on holiday to Italy again!" Ouch, now that makes me cringe!

Oh yes, and by the way, I think you should change the subject line; there's nothing racist against Italians here.

Rome! By all means, Rome.


You're missing the point. As retaliation, Charlie Croker is pointing his fingers at the quarter-of-a-million Italians in Britain, explicitly stating that they'll be hurt in some way. If Charlie and his gang have beef with the Mafia and vice versa, why is he threatening violence against all British-Italians? Unless he (and by extension, the script) happens to think that all Italians living in Britain are part of the Mafia, perhaps.



I don't see this implication. Croker can't touch the mafia directly, so he tries the next best thing. The Italian businesses in Britain may not be mafia, but they may be "owned" by the mafia, by paying "protection" money. It's a public secret that the whole south of Italy does so.
In Italian class we read an interview with the CEO of a large manufacturing plant in the north who didn't want to open a plant in the south for that reason (though you had to read that between the lines, he didn't say it openly).

Rome! By all means, Rome.


Brainwashed by political correctness.

Lighten up. Its a movie.

Everything isnt going to fit into your "mold"


This site needs a "like" button, and a Caesareque thumbs down for mental giants applying mindless political correctness to everything.

OMG, I just noticed this text is black, yet the majority of the background as I type this is white, it's racist I tell ya, IMDB is racist!

Man without relatives is man without troubles. Charlie Chan


And- good God- this film is FATTIST, AGEIST and SEXIST!

The late, great Benny Hill grabs hold of a 'large lady's' ample rear, she is over 18, not slim and it's 'saucy'?

My God, I will never watch this film ever again.


In Get Carter, Michael Caine comments that Ian Hendry`s eyes are like "two pissholes in the snow" and John Osborne is a "hairy-faced git". Now clearly, Get Carter is "racist" towards Newcastle mob, right right right?

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Those who see racism everywhere are just seeing their own prejudice.


Newsflash: Italian isn't a race. It is, however, a nationality.


Exactly! I can't believe there are people who think nationalities are races.

🎄 Vulgarity is no substitute for Wit- Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham


Verily I say unto thee..this was made in 1969...get over it. Plenty of things have happened since then more worthy of making anyone cringe than a line in a movie.


Congratulations, blackfunkster: you've made the most ridiculous post ever to IMBD message boards. You may collect your Grand Prize of a single sour apple Jolly Rancher on your way out with the rubbish bins.
