Funniest Moments

Have to say that the one part that has me crying with laughter is when the old guy planting the camera jammers asks for directions, and upon receiving it all in jabbering Italian, turns away in disgust and says "bl00dy foreigners!"


The conversation between Charlie, Camp Freddie and Miss Peach in her lounge room, partially about her brother was hilarious.🐭


In the traffic jam this guy is sitting on his car roof through the sun roof, reading the paper with his foot on the horn. I mean, what's that going to do? lol.

And also in the traffic jam, that guy propositioning that girl and then the girl slaps him twice.


Professor Peach: "I like 'em big. Big!"


Charlie Croker: "It's a very difficult job and the only way to get through it is we all work together as a team. And that means you do everything I say."

Who hasn't worked with a tyrant like that at some point?


I adore the funeral scene, for how brutal Noel Coward's instructions are to the mob of goons.


Nothing beats the end -- "I've got a great idea!" -- given the predicament they're in!


The funniest bit is when the yankees decided they could remake a better movie than this 1969 film
